Equation were pleased to be represented at the recent launch of Nottingham city’s ‘One Size Fits One’ policy for autistic people.

Nottingham city’s vision is for autistic people, including high functioning autism to be acknowledged, to have equal opportunities regardless of their cultural background or age, to live fulfilling and rewarding lives and for there to be recognition that for citizens with autistic spectrum conditions “One Size Fits One”. This might be through their social, family or employment circumstances, access to universal services or more targeted services, including access to services aimed at individuals experiencing domestic abuse.

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Autism is a lifelong condition. It affects the way a person communicates with, and relates to, other people. It also affects how they make sense of the world around them. It is a spectrum of different needs – so it is essential to look at the individual. Autistic people are neurologically different to non-autistic people. They can therefore have different areas of strength and challenge when compared to others. As society is centred upon the skills and needs of the majority, autistic people face challenges fitting into society and further challenges to be understood and to understand the general population.

One Size Fits One believes that autistic people in Nottingham have the right to live safe, healthy and happy lives. It has six key aims:

  • Understand the needs of autistic people;
  • Challenge stigma and improve understanding of autism;
  • Improve support from childhood to adulthood;
  • Improve process of diagnosis and assessment;
  • Increase opportunities in education and employment;
  • Allow everyone to lead a rewarding life in the community.

The full strategy can be found here.

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